Thursday, 12 February 2015

Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM)

Mesyuarat Luar Biasa Kondominium Sri Hijau

Merujuk kepada perkara ini adalah dimaklumkan bahawa satu Mesyuarat Luar Biasa ataupun di panggil sebagai Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) akan di adakan pada 28hb Februari 2015 pada hari Sabtu, jam 3.00 petang di perkarangan Dewan Blok CA1. Notis mesyuarat EGM  telah pun diletakkan di papan-papan kenyataan di setiap blok. Di harapkan agar penduduk dapat meluangkan masa untuk datang beramai-ramai bagi menjayakan mesyuarat ini sepertimana yang telah dirancangkan supaya ianya menjadi lebih berjaya. Perlu diingatkan bagi penduduk yang menpunyai tunggakan kurang dari 3 bulan sahaja yang akan mempunyai hak/kuasa untuk melantik/menjadi dan mengundi jawatankuasa JMB tersebut. Walaubagaima pun bagi penduduk yang menpunyai tunggakan lebih dari 3 bulan masih layak dan dialu-alukan untuk menghadiri mensyuarat ini.

Di samping itu juga satu surat notis akan diedarkan ke dalam peti surat masing-masing merujuk kepada EGM dan agenda yang akan diadakan pada hari tersebut. Bersama surat itu akan dikepilkan bersama Borang Perlantikan Proxy bagi melantik wakil bagi pihak penduduk jika tidak dapat hadir ke mesyuarat tersebut . Sila rujuk surat Notis yang bertarikh 13 Februari 2015 yang telah pun diedarkan sepertimana di bawah ini. Bagi penduduk yang tinggal di luar, notis ini akan di poskan ke alamat masing-masing.


  1. i heard new commitee was selected, why they make another EGM for selected new commitee, i not understand, as my concern one of new commitee is masytah (was overused-over terms) as i know over 2 years is not valid joint as comittee, u can refer to COB, why they take this also another ex-commitee was selected, why they take them all, we need new (freshier) commitee mmebrs, because of them our money was loses at sue from others co. also our money was lose for unacknlowledge and imposissible repaired, if they all come as a commitee we will not pay any maintenance.

  2. Agreed with you "Anonymous" we need to start a fresh and welcome a new comer to joint our new committee and what has happened is not what residents wish. Why is she (ex-JMB Secretary) re elected again this time. Why is this JMB is so important to her until she does'nt want to let go her position at all??? I just don't get it. She and the rest of the former JMB's committee that been sued should be step down,,

  3. Not just that, what happened to the Ganesan's and his gang's cases,, they also took our monies,, What?? they just can get away with it?? What is the former's committee members action. I still remember that Pn Masyitah has explain in the previous EGM's meeting that the JMB has copy of the Agreement between them and the Management Company. If she say so, why is no action taken against Ganesan and all??? So much misconduct and appropriate action been taken by the former Committee and yet they still has a ball to be a new committee members this year,, come on??

  4. Many negative comments on ex-committee especially on ex-secretary, hope can hear their comment why they want to be in the committee back, I hope it not because the committee allowance or glamour. If it because of work, honestly for me, she/they already give a poor performance…. . Proposed new Chairman monitors them very very closely, I do not trust their decision, pity to the new Chairman has this kind of person ("tak tahu malu") in his committee….

  5. better take a rest for a moment.. voice of residents no need commitee like some ex-commitee,..i know u are malay pople u have good manner..please dont make our really not satisfied u been here..same to new commitee if they doing same like ex.. u will punish like them.... sorry my enlish not good

  6. It is not about punishing or what, it is about principle and morality of the person that should be represented us in this Condo.

  7. senang cerita, kalau orang dah tak suka, faham faham sahaja lah letak jawatan, yang tak faham faham juga ni kenapa ya

  8. Hi...
    Why we still put our fate on the hand of committee that are proven unable to manage our condo efficiently....????Lots of lost that we bare since previous committee mismanaged our condo...!!!Why don't give way to new and fresh committee to manage our confused what are they trying to show.

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